Another sad person here (that misses those cockpit visits).
One of my 'best' was on a long-haul B747 to the Far East from the UK.
The FO was flying (or, at least, 'George' was) and I was invited to sit in the vacant left seat.
After taking time to scan the instruments, I engaged the young man in conversation about George. This obviously roused his enthusiasm, as he then proceeded to say "If I do this I can do this and this" as he yawed the aircraft from side to side noticeably with a smile on his face, then said "but we don't want to spill the coffees in the back . . . "
I think he was pleased to be able to relieve his boredom!
Another was standing behind the crew of an executive jet as we flew at night over the town where I was living.
Yet another was discovering that the radar was only for weather as the small executive jet (again I was standing immediately behind the crew, but it was daylight) as we were 'buzzed' head-on by two military 'planes that flew either side (at what seemed to be the same altitude!). I asked whether they had 'seen it on the radar' - and was told that the military aircraft probably saw us on theirs!